When a young couple falls in love, the fascination they have for each other seems boundless. The joy they share is like the “new wine” generously poured out for the guests in the Wedding at Cana. As time goes by, the pressures of raising children, making ends meet, and the routine of daily life sets in, sometimes leaving the couple to wonder, “what happened to our wine?” Through the sacramental grace of Marriage, Jesus still turns the ordinary water of daily routine into the best wine for our abundant life. Lord, bring it on!
Couples and families, it’s time to elevate your spiritual journey right from the comfort of your own home! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to access enriching resources available on this page. Remember, even the smallest actions you take are impactful, shaping the love and values your children carry into their future marriages. And for our parish communities, let’s come together to interweave these invaluable resources into your monthly pastoral activities. Get Started Below!