California Catholic Conference – in conjunction with Catholic Charities of California – is advocating for an allocation in the General Fund to fully fund CalFresh services for California families. CalFresh is one of the most critical supports for struggling families in the state.
California Catholic Conference – in conjunction with Catholic Charities of California – is advocating for an allocation in the General Fund to fully fund CalFresh services for California families. CalFresh is one of the most critical supports for struggling families in the state.
Food insecurity—that is, inconsistent access to adequate and healthy food—impacts millions of Californians. Because of the COVD-19 Pandemic, California’s food insecurity is projected to increase by 48 percent this year.
The lack of consistent access to healthy food has far-reaching negative impacts on households and communities: poor school attendance and performance, lowered workplace productivity, and physical and mental health problems, among other negative health aspects.
With a fully-funded program, the CalFresh Outreach program could potentially help tens of thousands of Californian families.
Please keep watch for ways you can assist in securing this additional funding to combat food insecurity in our state.