Last week, the California Bishops released God Calls Us All to Care for Our Common Home, a pastoral statement in response to the growing ecological threats to our state.
In it, the Bishops challenge the people of California to appreciate the beauty of the state and to apply – both individually and collectively – the teachings of Laudato Si’ in safeguarding our natural gifts. Click here for a video on the calling.
There are several dioceses already employing green methods that are resulting in tremendous gains for the environment. One-third of the parishes, offices and facilities of the Diocese of Monterey have gone solar, and the counties of Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz now draw on 100 percent carbon and nuclear-free energy largely thanks to efforts of local Catholics. The Diocese of Stockton has been tirelessly working for more than 10 years through its Environmental Justice Project to help steward God’s creation, focusing on recycling and energy efficiency.
These are just two of the inspirational ways that dioceses are heeding the call of the Bishops. We encourage you to connect with your local parish or diocese to put the Bishops’ call into action in the places closest to your own home