Married Couples

Why Radiate Love

Marriage matters for us and for our Church. Find out why. English | Spanish

For Married Couples

Communio Date Night Kits – at home date nights for couples

REFOCCUS Marriage Enrichment Inventory – bilingual support materials for couples or groups

Smart Loving – online courses for all seasons of married life from Australia

Better Together – online resources for marriage enrichment

Alpha: The Marriage Course – online courses for couples before and after wedding

Marriage Mini Course – 5 part video series for marriage skills from Catholic Psych

For Your Marriage and Por Tu Matrimonio – articles on marriage skills

Pathways to Marriage Convalidation and Sacramental Marriage – Marriage Building USA’s guide to convalidating your marriage in the Church

Building a Eucharistic Marriage – 7 part series for couples to put Christ at the center

El Anillo es Para Siemprebook and related videos by Fr. Angel Espinosa de los Monteros

Real Life Catholic – Renewed – online video series for marriage enrichment

Marriage Organizations

Couples for Christ – culturally responsive marriage movement

Worldwide Marriage Encounter (Spanish) – marriage movement

Retrouvaille – a lifeline for marriages in English and Spanish

Movimiento Familiar Cristiano – retreats and small communities for families in Spanish

Better Marriages – Marriage Enrichment Groups for couples

A 3×5 for Married Couples

Each day, at morning or evening, take five minutes to do three things together:

Ask – How can I pray for you today?

Share – Here is what is on my heart today. Please pray for me!

Appreciate – Acknowledge the ways your spouse has loved you in the last 24 hours.

End with an “Our Father” together.

Fertility Awareness

FABM Base – modern info about the major fertility awareness based methods

Managing Your Fertility – empowering women to understand their reproductive health

Whole Mission – Marquette Method taught by medical professionals

Facts About Fertility – physician led facts about fertility awareness

Natural Womanhood – magazine for fertility awareness

FEMM – fertility awareness for young women

CA NFP – California Natural Family Planning