Lobby Governor Newsom with the California Catholic Conference

With the two-year legislative session over, lawmakers have turned over all passed bills to Governor Newsom, who has until Sept. 30 to either sign or veto each bill. There are several that can use your voice as we wait for the Governor to determine their fate.

SB 1414, the bill that would make the purchase of sex with a minor under age 16 a felony, is still pending the Governor’s signature. The California Catholic Conference supported this bill, even asking that it go further in protecting children than the current language dictates. While a new bill can always increase penalties, you can click here to ask Gov. Newsom to take this critical step forward in protecting children.

AB 2085 seeks to force cities to open abortion facilities as a right, circumventing local control and discriminating against every other kind of reproductive care by exclusion.

According to Molly Sheahan, CCC Associate Director of Healthy Families, “When California mothers lack enough maternity care to deliver their children safely, it is absurd for the state to push more abortions on local communities.” Ask Gov. Newsom to vote no here.

The CCC also heavily advocated for SB 1001, the bill that would end the death penalty for those with an intellectual disability. You can support this bill by quickly sending a letter to Newsom here.

In addition, you can help support expanding pathways for students to receive college credits by supporting AB 359, which will make it easier for school districts and colleges to collaborate on dual enrollment programs. Click here now.

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