The Pope called for people to fast for peace on March 2, Ash Wednesday.
Ukraine Crisis: Pope Francis Calls for Global Day of Fasting for Peace on Ash Wednesday
Expressing great sadness at the worsening situation in Ukraine, Pope Francis asked world leaders on Wednesday to “make a serious examination of conscience before God.”
Speaking at his live-streamed general audience on Feb. 23, the pope called for people to fast for peace on March 2, Ash Wednesday, praying that “the Queen of Peace will preserve the world from the madness of war.”
“I have great pain in my heart over the worsening situation in Ukraine,” Pope Francis said in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall.
Despite diplomatic efforts by the U.S. and European countries, Russian troops invaded Ukraine early Thursday morning. Early reports indicate that all Ukrainian males between the ages of 18 and 60 are being prohibited to leave the country and have been directed to fight in the conflict.
You can support Ukraine through Catholic Relief Services or find a list here of other Ukrainian Catholic organizations to support