Successful Catholic Advocacy Day

This past Tuesday, over 100 Catholic Advocacy Day delegates representing nine California dioceses gathered in Sacramento to be the Catholic voice and speak with lawmakers at the Capitol. This year’s participants included deacon candidates and students from Newman Centers.

Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento opened the day with prayer, taking time to recognize the service and upcoming retirement of CCC Executive Director Ned Dolejsi, who has been instrumental in advocating lawmakers toward Catholic values at the Capitol for almost 20 years. Dolejsi then held a legislative update on the six chosen bills. Participants later headed over to the Capitol where they spoke with legislators and advocated on behalf of Catholic social causes.

“I think a lot of times in the political realm we end up choosing sides, left, right, this and that. I think its important for Catholics to come and be a apart of Catholic Advocacy Day [and] to bring it back down to the core,” said Cenia Martinez of the Diocese of Orange. “We are advocating for our brothers and sisters so whether you feel more on this side or on that side it doesn’t matter. We really come to advocate for the life and dignity of everyone from birth to death.”

Click here to view a video from Catholic Advocacy Day.

Thank you to all of those who participated in the Virtual Catholic Advocacy Day by sending letters. There is still time to connect with lawmakers this way. Send a letter quickly by clicking here.

More specific information on the issues discussed will be available as reports are returned. For information on the bills that were discussed, visit our Catholic Advocacy Day page.


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