Reverence for Life, Family Bills

Sadly, SB 320 (Leyva, D-Chino) now sits on Gov. Brown’s desk. SB 320 mandates that all public universities in the state provide chemical abortion drugs in their on-campus student health centers. The CCC has challenged this bill for nearly two years now, and it will be of vital importance that the Governor hears from Catholics far and wide to urge a veto.

AB 2289 (Weber, D-San Diego) would establish a state-wide family and sick leave policy for young parents that: 1) grants parental leave of at least eight weeks to a student who is a parent or is soon to be a parent, 2) grants a parenting student four excused absences per school year to care for a sick child, and 3) notifies a pregnant or parenting student of their educational rights and options.

In an unexpected, but welcomed move, the author of AB 2943 (Low, D-Campbell) pulled his bill that would have prohibited mental health providers from performing sexual-orientation change efforts.  The bill went beyond the original intent and purpose of the Consumer Legal Remedies Act and impermissibly abridged expressions that are protected by the California and U.S. Constitutions.  Assemblyman Low vowed to work with more groups to refine his bill in the future.

Watch for upcoming Action Alerts, where appropriate, on these bills.  View a list of all the Life and Family bills on our website.


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