The legislative session will resume on Monday when Legislators are back in Sacramento to continue work on key bills, including SB 380, the bill to expand physician-assisted suicide in the state.
The legislative session will resume on Monday when Legislators are back in Sacramento to continue work on key bills, including SB 380, the bill to expand physician-assisted suicide in the state.
In case you missed it, the California League of United Latin American Citizens published an op-ed in Newsweek on SB 380, putting names and faces to the abuse and exploitation taking place. “In one instance in Oregon, Michael Freeland’s physician gave him assisted suicide drugs without a psychiatric consultation even though he had a long history of depression and suicide attempts.”
The CCC will be watching SB 380 closely as lawmakers reconvene. Even if you have already, use this alert to send a letter to your legislator letting them know SB 380 will cause unmentionable undue harm to some of the most vulnerable. We can’t overstate the importance of defeating this bill which is next up in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
The fate of all bills will be determined by Sept. 10, when the legislative session is officially over. The gubernatorial recall election is scheduled for Sept. 14, potentially allowing both Governor Newsom and a newly-elected governor to act on the bills until Oct. 10, if Newsom is recalled.