Governor Acts on Bills; Pope Calls for Encounter

The Governor’s signing period ends; Pope Francis Launching Call to Encounter and Laudato Si’ Action Platform; and last chance to file taxes for those missing out on the Child Tax Credit payments in this week’s Insights.

Governor Signs, Vetoes All Bills Before Deadline

The deadline for Governor Newsom to sign or veto bills expired Nov. 10, and he signed into law 770 bills into law while vetoing 66 bills. 

We are disappointed to report that Newsom quietly signed SB 380, the extension of physician-assisted suicide. The contradiction in end-of-life care was evident, as the measure was signed one day after Newsom approved a moratorium on state licenses for new residential hospices, due to widespread fraud involving doctors falsely telling patients that they are terminally ill.

Nevertheless, thank you to all who wrote to state lawmakers and the Governor in an effort to defeat SB 380. The sunset portion of the law was removed from the original version of the bill, so your efforts did make an impact.

In addition, SB 245, the bill that would have eliminated abortion co-pays, was stalled and is now a 2-year bill and will be taken up at some point next session. This action was also a result of the thousands of letters sent to legislators. Please stay tuned for updates on this bill next session.

The CCC is pleased that Gov. Newsom signed SB 65, aka the California Momnibus Act, that aims to close the existing racial gaps in maternal and infant mortality rates. The bill will improve research and data collection on racial and socioeconomic factors that contribute to higher maternal and infant mortality rates in communities of color. 


Pope Francis Launches Global Call to Encounter

Pope Francis formally launched the two-year global consultation process leading to the 2023 synod with a call to encounter, listen, and learn from others.

The Holy Father said that Catholics should “look others in the eye and listen to what they have to say.” Preaching at a Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica on Oct. 10, the pope said that Catholics taking part in the synodal path should strive to “become experts in the art of encounter.”

Many dioceses are holding Masses in honor of the synod. Please check with your local diocese for more information on any events taking place.


Child Tax Credit Being Forfeited by Late Income Tax Filers

It is estimated that between four and eight million families that are eligible for Child Tax Credit payments may be forfeiting those benefits if they do not file their income taxes by Nov. 15. 

The Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan provides the largest Child Tax Credit and historic relief ever to the most working families – and as of Jul. 15, most families are automatically receiving monthly payments of $250 or $300 per child without having to take any action. The Child Tax Credit will help all families succeed.

The Child Tax Credit in the American Rescue Plan provides the most extensive tax credit ever. Nearly all working families are eligible to receive $3,000 to $3,600 per child. Those that filed income taxes should already be receiving payments.

Don’t lose out on these benefits that are designed to help working families navigate financial difficulties. Click here for more information in English and Español.


Laudato Si’ Action Platform Launches Nov. 14

Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ Action Platform, a worldwide grassroots effort to mobilize Catholics to take action on the Holy Father’s message of environmental and “integral ecology,” is scheduled to begin its enrollment period on Nov. 14.

Planning guides and related materials for the program are expected to be completed and made available on the initiative’s website closer to the launch date. The Catholic Climate Covenant has ways you can become involved now

Pope Francis’ calling is supported by the California Conference of Catholic Bishops, whose own 2019 pastoral statement, God Calls Us to Care for Our Common Home, calls for the implementation in California of Laudato Si’  and offers a dynamic teaching and evangelization tool for our Catholic faith community and beyond.

There are planned Masses and other events in the works that will be dedicated to the launch of the Platform. Please check with your local diocese for more information.




U.S. Bishops’ Migration Chairman Welcomes Refugee Admissions Target of 125,000

“The last few years have had a devastating impact on refugee resettlement, all while we witness the greatest forced migration crises in decades. We commend the Administration for seeking to reassert American leadership in this area, and we look forward to continued action in support of this goal. We also urge Congress to provide the resources necessary to not only rebuild the Refugee Admissions Program but sustain it for the next four decades and beyond.


U.S. Bishops’ Pro-Life Chairman on Rescinding of “Protect Life Rule”

“The Catholic bishops have grave concerns about government promotion of contraceptives. At the same time, we have long supported efforts to ensure that abortion is kept physically and financially separate from family planning under Title X.



True encounter arises only from listening. #ListeningChurch



Oct. 15, 2021
Vol. 14, No. 35

En Español


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