California Catholic Conference Thanks Governor for Vetoing Bill Designed to Harass Religious Employers

The following statement was released by Edward “Ned” Dolejsi, executive director of the California Catholic Conference, regarding the veto of AB 569 (Gonzales-Fletcher, D-San Diego):

“Governor Jerry Brown has allowed common sense and justice to prevail by vetoing AB 569.  Advocates of the bill contended that a problem of “reproductive discrimination” exists yet could cite no cases in California where this actually occurred.  Such potential discrimination has long been recognized as illegal by employers including religious employers, who were deliberately targeted by this bill.

“Proponents of this bill, sponsored by NARAL, broadened the reach to an unprecedented level in their effort to advanced their ideological agenda.  We thank Governor Brown for vetoing this unnecessary, highly questionable effort to harass religious employers who provide valuable services in the public domain.”

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