While the legislature is busy nailing down final details of the state budget, which must be passed by the June 15 deadline, the bill to extend physician-assisted suicide in the state is still alive and threatening to create dire consequences for Californians and the sanctity of life.
While the legislature is busy nailing down final details of the state budget, which must be passed by the June 15 deadline, the bill to extend physician-assisted suicide in the state is still alive and threatening to create dire consequences for Californians and the sanctity of life.
SB 380 (Eggman, D – Stockton) would remove the “safeguards” originally established when physician-assisted suicide was legalized in the state. The 2015 law was passed narrowly in a “backroom” type move, and now the supposed “safeguards” installed in the bill are on the chopping block.
Visit NoOnSB380.com to learn more and send an alert today letting your legislators know that SB380 puts patients at risk of abuse and the early and unwilful termination of life. Watch for additional Action Alerts as the debate is engaged.
You can also view all bills of significance we are tracking, such as SB 245 – the bill to eliminate co-pays – on our Legislation page.