Budget Gets Solidified; Child Tax Credit Payments

State budget gets solidified before lawmakers head out on recess; the CA redistricting commission needs your help drawing lines; Laudato Si’ planning website revealed; Child Tax Credit payments begin and the first annual Grandparents Day in this week’s Insights.

State Budget Solidifies Before Lawmakers Head Out on Break

Legislators spent this week finalizing several high-ticket budget items before they break for summer recess today.

Governor Newsom released a statement touting his $124 billion education spending package, “an unprecedented level of school and student funding to transform the state’s public schools into gateways of equity and opportunity,” in his words.

Plans for the increased funds include converting thousands of school sites into full-service community school centers with expanded learning time and social services, improving staff-to-student ratios at schools with the highest rates of vulnerable students, and the construction and renovation of state preschool, transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten facilities in the state. There will also be an increase in special education funding and universal free school breakfasts and lunches.

The budget also now officially includes $5.2 billion for the rental relief program, providing renters with up to 100 percent of back rent and up to three months of forward rent. The state’s renter’s eviction moratorium is set to expire Sept. 30, when the renter will be liable in court for eviction for past due rent. For more information on how to apply, visit www.housing.ca.gov.

Also notable is the deal Newsom and lawmakers reached on the statewide broadband effort. AB 156, the trailer bill that reserved the amount in the agreed-upon budget, will provide $3.25 billion for middle-mile infrastructure and building broadband lines, $2 billion for ‘last-mile’ infrastructure lines that will connect homes and business with local networks, $1 billion for rural communities, and $2 billion for urban communities.

The Legislature will be on summer recess July 16 through August 16.


Redistricting Commission Needs Your Help

We Draw the Lines California, the California Citizens Redistricting Commission charged with drawing boundaries for federal and state legislative boundaries, is seeking your help to establish new district lines.

Besides voting, partaking in redistricting efforts is a critical way to take part in the legislative process. The boundaries that the commission will draw will greatly impact who is elected and the policies they will help implement.

The Redistricting Commission has several ways to make it easier than ever for you to participate in the redrawing of district lines. You can join numerous upcoming virtual meetings, or you can give your input on their website, wedrawthelinesca.org, where you can literally outline your community and where you believe your boundaries should be.

Don’t miss out on this important opportunity to be part of the legislative process.


Laudato Si’ Planning Website Unveiled

The Catholic Climate Covenant’s Ladauto Si’ website, GodsPlanet.us, is now live.

The project, named We’re All Part of God’s Plan(et), is an awareness and engagement campaign for U.S. Catholics to live out Pope Francis’ environmental encyclical, Laudato Si’, On Care For Our Common Home.  

The site details what the Church is doing in seven sectors and, as you are part of God’s planet, how you can participate in God’s plan. It includes individual information and resources for families, parishes and dioceses, educational institutions, healthcare institutions, religious orders, and others.

Visit GodsPlanet.us today to find ways you and your communities can live out the call for ecological conversion.


Child Tax Credit Payments Begin

Starting this week, approximately 39 million families will begin receiving payments from the newly expanded Child Tax Credit.

The enhanced tax credit is a part of the American Rescue Plan, and parents and guardians can expect to receive up to $3,600 per year for children younger than age six and $3,000 per year for those between 6 and 17. Half of the credit will be distributed as an advance on 2021 taxes in six monthly installments ($300 and $250, respectively). The exact amount of the credit and the payments depend on the income reported on your federal income tax return.

Click here for more information on eligibility and payment calculations.


First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

On Sunday, July 25, Catholics will celebrate the first annual World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, a day commissioned by Pope Francis that celebrates younger and older generations connecting.

The theme for the inaugural holiday is “I am with you always” (Mt 28:20). In his message, the Holy Father stressed that COVID-19 resulted in severe seclusion for many older individuals and that now, “as a long period of isolation ends and social life slowly resumes… May every grandfather, every grandmother, every older person, especially those among us who are most alone, receive the visit of an angel!”

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly will take place the fourth Sunday of each July, which is close to the feast of Sts Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus.

You can also advocate for the elderly by joining Bishop Kevin Vann and others on July 26 to discuss the Church’s calling to address dementia. You can view a preview of the event here and register here for the event.


USCCB Action Alerts – Abortion Funding, Infrastructure, Jobs, Housing

There are several pieces of federal legislation that the USCCB would like your help with to ensure Congress cannot make significant moves without hearing from Catholics.

Here you will find alerts on advocating for jobs and safe and affordable housing for those who are most in need, protecting babies from infanticide, and advocating against taxpayer-funded abortion. Please do your part by alerting your lawmakers to take action on these bills.


PPI on Brief Hiatus

Public Policy Insights will be reporting bi-weekly during the Legislature’s summer recess. We hope you are enjoying the Lord’s abundant blessings during this summer season.  



Let us pray for all the sick that may no one be left alone, that everyone receive the anointing of listening, closeness and care. We can all give it with a visit, a phone call, an outstretched hand. @Pontifex


July 16, 2021
Vol. 14, No. 26

En Español


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